Iain has arrived in Brisbane after some good times travelling
up from Byron Bay, the Gold Coast and Surfers Paradise. He hopes
to send out a new email detailing his adventures soon. A group
of us had a good chat with him earlier today in the Chat Room
has reached Byron Bay and already seems to be enjoying himself. Horseriding,
dolphins and all
February 2004
on 2nd February Iain sets off again on his trip. Having
spent over 6 months in Sydney, he is catching a bus
which will take him on a journey of over three months.
He is firstly heading up the east coast. with the first
major stop likely to be Byron Bay. Other friends of
ours, Chris Rossetto and Nick Sutton have has good
times there, Nick even ended up playing Rugby for the
local club
had a great time in the Whit
Sundays and is now geting ready
to move on. Visting a few more
sights in Sydney and taking more
snaps. He had a surprise visit
from a friend he met on the road
in Canada
January 2004
reckons he has just had his best ever New Years Eve along with 750,000 others
in Sydney. And we thought he was missing us! His trip to the Whit Sunday Isles
starts on the 6th January.
December 28th
Iain had a long Christmas Day and obviously
did a lot of toasts to absent friends. He hopes to go
to the Whit Sunday Islands after New Year celebrations
in Bondi. Later in January he is resuming his travels
around the continent.
December 21st
Iain all ok and intending to spend Christmas Day on
Bondi Beach. A few days later another friend from the UK will be jetting
over to spend some time with our long lost friend
December 14th
Not a lot of news from Iain and Nathan other
than Nathan is returning home early on 17th. maybe with some news
and some pictures. That would be good
December 2nd
As I write this, Iain should be meeting up with Nathan, for the first time since
Canada. He arrives today from gloomy England to spend Christmas with Iain.Try
to survive it gentlemen. Enjoy!
November 11th
has left Sydney and gone to stay on Bondi Beach. Sounds like hell!
He's sharing an old house with 12 others
21st 2003
email from Iain
Iain has just finished a 3month stint working for an insurance company, somehow
he didnt manage to save any money to continue the trip, so its back to work again
I guess ;-)
If you want Iain's new mobile number email him at the usual
July 13th
Iain has settled into Sydney and has an apartment and a
July 2nd
The story of Iains New Zealand adventures has been posted
on the Chronicles Page. It may be a a while before the next one as
he is now working to get the finances to continue the trip. Welcome
back to the real world mate!
June 26th
Another leg of the journey over. Iain arrived in Sydney
today and faces a return to reality as he thinks about finding a
June 21st
Now back in hostels and was in Auckland last time we heard,
only a few days before he flies off to Australia
J une 14th
He is now in Wellington, and has picked a good day to be
there as the English have beaten the All Blacks for the first time
in 30 years on NZ soil in Wellington today. Dont know whether he
was at the match cos its not his favourite game but he must be a
good talisman
June 8th
Iain has just been on the phone! He sounds great and if you want to see what
he has been up to follow this link.
June 8th
Iain left a message in the message room saying what a fantastic place he is staying
in. Its called Queenstown. I have pulled a couple
of shots off the net so you can see what it looks like
Iain safely in NZ, last weekend was in a small town called Nelson and very happy!
May 24th
Last we heard from Iain was the 18th when he was on the
Ichat line for most of the evening. Getting ready to move on to
New Zealand after a comparatively quiet time in Chile, partly because
he has not had enough time to do all the things he wanted to do....
Oh well just have to go back another time!
April 30th
Well he made
it across the
border, but
not without
problems from
the Police,
no doubt you
will get the
full story
in the next
Blimey he actually
got to Chile.
Mind you how
long it takes
him to get
to Santiago
is anyones
guess if he
enjoys Chile
as much the
other SA countries
been to.
April 29th
Iain is at
the Peruvian
border with
Chile, but
how much further
he gets depends
on what the
do with when
he tells them
he has lost
his entry/exit
visa for Peru.
I have finally
got hold of
some of Iain’s
American snaps
which are on
a test posting
linked from
the Backpacka
April 28th
Well, its finally here and was it worth waiting for?? Damn right it was.
April 23rd
Iain getting ready to leave Peru, maybe even get to Chile, not sure yet about
Santiago and ports west! In good spirits and working on the huge email chronicle.
April 21st
Iain briefly on-line last night while he tried to catch up on his emails. Hopefully
we should get the latest re-written installment soon
April 15th UPDATE
Lonely Planet
has arrived
so he is on
his way to
errr somewhere
by bus. When
he gets wherever
it is he should
be on-line.
April 15th
Iain due on line at 8pm GMT tonight! Go to the chat with Iain Menu and click
on Instant Chat, Peruvian phone lines permitting of course
April 12th
Last time we
heard he was
in Peru, waiting
for a new copy
of the Lonely
Planet Guide
to arrive from
England, and
some more Marillion
discs if he’s
April 3rd
Iain back on
track again
following an
incident in
Bolivia where
he was robbed
at knifepoint.
He lost his
third camera
of the journey
and worst of
all his Lonely
Planet guide
which with
sense of direction
doesnt bear
thinking about.
Inside the
guide was the
draft of the
next email,
so we will
have to be
patient while
Iain tries
to re-write
March 24th
Iain was chatting on-line from Bolivia last night for most of the evening. Unfortunately
we only had a couple of hours notice. Next time we will try to have advance warning
and let more people know. As usual he was on good form. Hopefully an email update
to follow shortly
March 13th
Wow! The latest message from Iain is here, check it out now, The quality and
style of his writing leaves you with a perfect picture and a longing to hear
more. Who knows where he is at the moment, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile,
where ever it is cant wait to hear about it!
No word for some days so he must in the Amazon somewhere! This will be my last
post until sometime in March. Have a nice month folks
It will soon be my turn to travel as Carole and I are off to Australia for three
weeks on Wednesday. So unless anyone else gets around to doing anything, the
site will not be updated until my return. We have now finished testing a new
Instant Messenger system for real time chat, either with Iain or anyone else
who happens to be around. You can still use the original one to leave messages
for Iain, but we think you may prefer the new one for actual on line chat. Whichever
you use, enjoy!
Feb 11th
Latest message from the lad, still enjoying himself and delighting in the new
Feb 6th
Iain has arrived safely in Brazil and is now in Salvador (will have to look that
up on a map. Long chats last night using a mixture of emails and the Contact
Iain message board here on the site. Not quite a chat room but all had great
fun. If you are around next time Iain is on live, use the Refesh button on your
browser to keep the messages flowing Cheers mate!
Feb 4th
last day in
America. Yesterday
whilst staying
in a hostel
in Key West,
his room was
broken into
and his other
camera stolen
along with
his MP3 player
and some money.
The last couple
of weeks have
been a bit
traumatic and
we wish him
well as he
moves down
South. Must
be glad to
see the back
of Florida
Iain is due
to fly to Brazil
on Tuesday.
Hope his luck
changes and
his Portugese
improves as
well. Those
of you who
know a bit
about Marillion
and Iain’s
love for them
will know that
one of the
places he is
off to visit
is the Statue
of Jesus overlooking
Rio. The statue
is featured
on the Afraid
of Sunlight
album. Marillion
are having
their second
annual convention
in March, and
the whole of
their Friday
night set is
the Afraid
of Sunlight
album. Iain
has a ticket
but cant afford
the flight
back home.
If h or Mark
or Ian or Steve
or Pete or
Lucy are reading
this and fancy
sending him
a ticket home
...... I guess
they probably
know he is
one their greatest
and has been
giving away
copies of Crash
Course (a Marillion
sampler) on
his travels
to further
spread the
January 30th.
Iain in Miami, latest in a bad week of problems has been the loss of his digital
camera stolen from his back pack, and of course all of the latest pics with it
January 28th.
A long message from Iain posted in the message section
January 27th.
Iain now in
Orlando after
some exciting
times in New
Orleans, including
having his
pocket picked,
being involved
in a bus crash
and errr emulating
Hugh Grant
and George
Michael by
having his
picture taken
whilst holding
a row of numbers
spending a
night as a
guest of the
local authorities,
but, of course,
being exonorated
by the local
judge. Can’t
wait to hear
that story
in full
January 23rd
A couple of
emails today
from Iain,
doesn’t say where he is,
but did say ‘gotta run, the sun is beating and begging me to go and play’ Its
alright for
some !
January 20th
Iain apparently left Baltimore heading for New Orleans (a 29hour bus ride) last
January 19th
No news from
Iain, but we
have got some
of Nathan’s
pics on the
site with more
to follow,
hopefully with
some explanations
from Nathan
alongside them.
Jan 10th
First messages from the USA. Iain has now left Boston and moved on to Philadelphia
where he seems to have got into a Rocky mode. All that martial arts training
I guess!
We hope to have the first major lot of photos from Canada posted over the next
few days
Jan 8th
Not heard from Iain since before New Year, but understand from others that all
went well. He was due to go to Boston last Saturday. Will post more when I hear
anything. If anyone else has news let me know and I will add it here
Dec 30th
Iain is now in New York and settled in his hotel. He has seen the Empire State
Building and toddled around Central Park.
The Guest book section is now up and running so you can leave messages for Iain
by going to the Chat to Iain page
Dec 25th
After a White
Christmas in
Toronto and
a family reunion
on Boxing Day
He is having
a couple of
days rest,
then, its off to New York for New Years in Time Square.
Hands up all those who are totally jealous? Then it’s
either off
to Boston Philadelphia
or Chicago
whichever takes
his fancy.
Dec 23rd
Iain is back in Toronto. His Canadian journey is nearly at an end
Dec 17/18th
Iain is off to Winnipeg by bus to meet up with a young lady he met in Montreal
Iain should be returning to Toronto to meet up with his uncle on Boxing Day.
Lunch at the CN Tower. Sounds Great!
Dec 16th.
Iain & Nathan are now making their way back to Toronto ready for Nathan’s
return on the
17th. In between
Montreal and
Ottawa they
stopped off
in Quebec.

Dec 6th.
are in Montreal until
Sunday and
then off to
to Ottawa,
Iain is heading
back to Toronto
for Christmas
and Nathan
will be flying
home. They
have also been
to the Notre
Dec 5th
No word for a few days, hopefully they are enjoying themselves far too much to
talk to us.The guys should be on their way to Ottawa by now, assuming that Iain
has recovered from the excitement of hearing Marillion in the hostel bar. I assume
that the excess alcohol was to help him recover from the sad news that his 'baby'
Peugeot has been a bit dented
Nov 26th
They have arrived safely and found themselves a hostel Whilst in Canada they
will be going to the CN Tower, Niagara Falls, Montreal and Ottawa... and probably
a few bars and clubs!
November 26th
20.30pm GMT
arrive Toronto Canada
November 26th 2002
12.30pm GMT
Iain & Nathan
leave London
Heathrow bound
for Toronto |